Hoberman Associates Inc.

Hoberman Associates is a multidisciplinary practice that specializes in transformable design — the development of products, structures, and environments that change their size and shape.

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Sphere with Interactive Media

Sphere with Interactive Media

Sphere with Interactive Media

LOCATION: CeBit Trade Fair, Hanover, Germany (2010, 2011, 2012)
CLIENT: q~bus Mediatektur GmbH for Deutsche Telekom

Hoberman installed its new Expanding Sphere at the center of the Deutsche Telekom (parent company of the T-Mobile brand) booth at the 2010 CeBIT trade fair in Hanover.

Hoberman was contracted by q~bus Mediatektur, the innovative Berlin-based company responsible for the design and realization of Deutsche Telekom’s 6000 square meter booth, a technologically sophisticated brand environment that included an interactive multi-user environment incorporating 25 megapixels of video displays. Suspended centrally above this environment, the Expanding Sphere expanded from 1.3 to 4.5 meters. It is made from milled aircraft aluminum and has a refined geometry with curved struts and hubs and cleverly concealed assembly details; all powder-coated in white for a sleek, modern aesthetic. dynamically growing and interacting with an elaborate choreography of lighting and LED video displays.

Exhibit photographs courtesy of q~bus Mediatektur GmbH.